Salvation is a gift of God, not based on our works. It happens by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9, Rom 10:13)


    Through baptizm, we can share the light of Jesus' salvation with the world. When we enter the waters of baptism, we’re making a public confession of our faith in Jesus—and of our union with Him.(Matt.3:13-17; Eph. 2:8)
  • Partner With Us

    Mercy of God Mission

    Mercy of God Mission Treat Underserved People through Medical and Dental Missions. Our vision is to see physical and spiritual healing through the Church
  • Women on the Frontlines International Conference

    Women Awakening Int'l

    Women Awakening is not just a Christian women’s event…it’s a lifestyle! We are excited that women attend our conferences, but we want more than just a few days with you. We want to be a part of your life! -Rev Dr. Amaka Anene

Expanding the Kingdom. EMPOWERING THE WORLD.

By engaging on the following mandate spheres,we fulfill our mission of activating purpose and boosting potential in people across the world.


How can we pray for you?


We would be honored to pray with you. Share your prayer request .


Want to know Jesus in a more personal way


Encourage your faith to trust Jesus with all your needs


Impact Lives with the reality, compassion, hope and healing to the hurting world with  the power of God’s Word

About PAAHM Ministries

Breaking Chains, Shaping Destinies, and Igniting Revival – A Prophet on a Mission to Transform Lives Beyond Limits. From humble beginnings to the international organization known today as Prophetic Awareness & Healing Ministries, Amaka and Ebenezer share a calling for bringing God’s miracles and healing to those in need, nationally and internationally. Prophetic Awareness & Healing Ministries (PAAHM) is a prophetic Spirit-filled ministry assisting people to walk in their authority and release their destiny. Amaka is passionate about setting the captives free. She ministers prophetically and allows the Holy Spirit to lead her while releasing people from the bondage of the enemy the way Jesus ministered deliverance in the Gospels.

Amaka spent years of her life praying and crying out to God for more of His presence and intimacy to get a personal breakthrough. During that time, the Lord gave Amaka incredible impartation and revelation of His love and Word. Amaka is enthusiastic about releasing what she received from God to help others establish their ministry and God-given destiny. As more ministries are established, God can move to impact the world, share his love through you to others, and set more captives free.

About Amaka Anene

Amaka Anene is a prophetic deliverance minister releasing the love and power of God. She loves to ignite and activate people, release prophetic impartation, and deliver people from the bondage of the enemy. In her gatherings, the glory of God appears, and people receive their supernatural healing, delivered and destinies released as the Word of God goes forth and preached!

She is the Visionary Leader of Prophetic Awareness & Healing Ministries (PAAHM) Mercy of God Mission. She enjoys traveling internationally, releasing the love and fire of the Holy Spirit, teaching believers how to walk in the fullness of God and release their prophetic potential. She uses her prophetic anointing to deliver people from the powers of darkness and goes deep in the ministry of deliverance eradicating strongholds, exposing the root causes and legal rights of the enemy, and evicting evil principalities.

Amaka hosts yearly deliverance and empowerment conferences called Prophetic Word & Healing Conference that has reached hundreds of thousands of people and activated in five countries. Amaka is a prophetic voice, has a clear and unique gift of discernment and operates in a strong prophetic, healing and deliverance anointing. She has grace and unique Entrepreneurial anointing with proven testimonies from people that God blessed with or lifted from a collapsing business/career into boisterous financial favor.

Amaka is married to her best friend, Rev. Ebenezer Anene, and is a mom to their blended family, and grandchildren. They reside in Houston Texas.

About  Ebenezer Anene

Rev Ebenezer Anene is an anointed man of God. He has a strong teaching anointing and ministers through gifts of compassion and love. Rev, Ebenezer is passionate about teaching believers their authority in Christ and releasing the love of the Father. He is gifted in Discernment and prayer with over 10 years’ experience in leading prayer, pastoral counseling, and services.

Rev Ebenezer is married to his wife and friend, Amaka Anene, and they have many biological and faith children all in an exciting journey with Christ. Ebenezer and Amaka cherish every moment they get to spend with their adult children and are family focused!

We at Mission of God Mission are very passionate to Help and always seeking ways to share the love of Christ and ably deliver much needed humanitarian aid nationally and internationally.

Women Awakening Int'l

Every woman has the power to transform her world. When women work together, we have the power to create a better world for all of us.

To Know More

At PAAHM we are determined to guide, restore and love hurting and the lost, by meeting their needs and sharing with them just how Christ love and  truly valued. Help us in the mission to Awaken. Guide. Restore. & Love.


When you sow a financial seed into Mercy of God Mission you are empowering women all around the world to be equipped with biblical lifestyle and leadership principles. This world needs Godly leaders!

Would you like to provide clean drinking water, food for empty bellies, medical and dental care for those in pain,  Your special gift can make a big difference in someone’s life!