At PAAHM Ha"Kadosh Church, there’s a ministry opportunity for you!
Whether you enjoy being in front of an audience or prefer to serve behind the scenes, there are a variety of ways that you can get involved here at Ha’Kadosh Church. You are sure to find the ministry that best suits your gifts and talents!
Where do you think God wants you to serve? We would love to know your heart for serving and would like to hear from you! Contact us at
At Ha’Kadosh Church, we’d like for you to get connected and involved in community. Ha’Kadosh groups are more than a Bible study; It’s where community happens and supportive friendships are made! we have been delivering messages of hope and leading the way in communications ministry. Join us in this vital work by making a tax-deductible donation at
Church Service Opportunities

Ha’Kadosh Kids meet every Sunday at 10:00am. The goal at Ha’Kadosh Kids is to provide excellent children’s programs for Pre-K and Grades 1-5 in a safe and secure environment where children can learn about God’s love and have a whole lot of fun along the way.
Register Your Kids today!

Audio Visual Team
Position: Camera Operator
Time commitment: At least one Sunday a month from 9:45-12:45Description: Capture through video recording the service. It requires the ability to stand for long periods of time. We will train you.
Position: Sound Booth Tech Time commitment: At least one Sunday a month 9:30am-12:45. Email to Signup

Worship Ministry
our worship expression encourages the congregation to open their hearts to God and enter into a posture of worship. Scripture commands those who love the Lord to worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24). The psalmist points out the power in corporate worship (Psalm 95). When God’s people begin to worship, he inhabits those praises and gives strength (Psalm 22:3)!

Altar Ministry
We seek to live lovingly and justly as servants of Jesus Christ by healing the sick, feeding the hungry, caring for the stranger, freeing the oppressed, being a compassionate presence, and working to develop social structures that are consistent with the gospel.

Information Center
Help out at our information desk! Guide guests to classes, and be a general source of knowledge on church events, groups, and ministries.
Email to Signup

Event Team
PAAHM Church is a local church for the entire family. Every week we make sure there is something for everyone (outside of just weekend services), because we know that the greatest challenge to our community is staying connected. No one should ever be forced to be alone, so we create spaces of togetherness.

Prayer Ministry
At Ha’Kadosh we put prayer first. Before planning, before service, before all that we do, we pray. We want to encourage and equip you to do the same so that your life may be filled with unceasing prayer — prayer that comforts the hurting, heals the sick, expresses gratitude, and changes lives.
God listens, God hears, God answers. Most people realize it has something to do with talking to God. Many hope that it might bring much needed assistance or comfort when facing difficult circumstances.
Email us to Join or to request prayer at

Evangelism Team
Evangelism Team is a ministry that trains people how to share their faith in Christ boldly, lovingly, and naturally. It utilizes a variety of components including prayer, actual on-the-job training where the experienced lead the inexperienced, and the principle of spiritual multiplication. “Multiplication” is not just winning people to the Lord one-by-one (addition), but it is training those won to the Lord to win— and then train—others. In the Book of Acts, we read that the disciples “multiplied” and “multiplied exceedingly.” Discipleship is happening! Do you want to be a part of it?
Join by sending email to

Hospitality Team
Position: Greeter
All Positions: Time Commitment: At least one service one Sunday a month, 9:30-12:30PM at the beginning and end of service. Description: Welcome, love and care for those who come to our church by providing a warm greeting.
Position: Usher Description: Welcome, love and care for those who come to our church by serving them in the worship center before and during service.
Position: Coffee Bar Description: Provide smiles, coffee and donuts to our church members and guest. Send Email to Signup.
Please fill out the form below and your prayer will be submitted to our intercessory prayer team. Your prayer requests are held in absolute confidence and will be prayed over by the pastors and intercessors at PAAHM Ha’Kadosh Church. If you have questions, please contact our church office at (832) 529 7680. *If this is a life-threatening emergency, please call 911.