History of Prophectic Awareness & Healing Ministries (PAAHM)
"Proclaiming Healing. Recovering Destinies(Isaiah 58:6-7)"
Early International Growth & Expansion
Prophetic Awareness & Healing Ministries (PAAHM) is a prophetic Spirit-filled ministry assisting people to walk in their authority and release their destiny. Amaka is passionate about setting the captives free. She ministers prophetically and allows the Holy Spirit to lead her through releasing people from the bondage of the enemy, using the Gospels and the way Jesus ministered deliverance. PAAHM was founded on divine vision on (Isaiah 58:6-7) and that is why it will continue to flourish and blossom with continuous impact globally. PAAHM shares the message of kingdom of God through witnessing, discipleship and service to others. We take seriously the Scriptures, prayer and the call to “do justice, love mercy and walk humbly before God” (Micah 3:8). God is preparing us, through prophetic preaching and teaching, to bring the hope of the Gospel to our community and “take every thought captive to Christ.”
In 2005, God called His servant Amaka L. Anene and in a vision commissioned her with a divine mandate “loose the band of wickedness, take care of the fatherless, homeless and the needy and break every yokes through prayer and deliverance”.
What does this mandate mean? This simply means to proclaim the power of God through evangelism and teaching the essence and strategies of spiritual warfare. This divine task left her with the responsibility of making people live heavenly life on the earth through the undiluted and insightful teaching of the word of God for which she is also backed up with the divine grace of God. Living heavenly life on earth means: Manifesting the nature of God on earth. i.e. living in holiness and righteousness. Living in abundant life here on earth because in heaven there is no bondages or sickness.
Just as every great empire today had a little beginning so also Prophetic Awareness & Healing Ministries (PAAHM) had a little beginning. The Servant of God, Amaka Anene by divine leading started a home fellowship with only one family to sustain the burning desire that God places in my heart. This fellowship was divinely instructed by God to be put in place and the servant of God undertook the assignment with passion and commitment, and God proved Himself faithfully through His manifestations and testimonies of believers.
God will always prove you faithful with the small thing before He commits the greater one into your hand. The servant of God was faithful to that little assignment and when the appointed time to start full time ministry came, the spirit of God moved. Thus Prophetic Awareness & Healing Ministries started on March 3th, 2009 while honoring invitations to minister in small group fellowship, other para-church ministries and church gatherings. Before this date, in January 27 2009, Amaka was praying then fell asleep and had a vision of a eagle descending into her two hands as the hands were together and open as she looked up to the heavens. She heard a very deep and profound voice, telling her what the “eagle” signifies in relation to His calling on her life. “The LORD explained that it signifies deeper revelation for Prophetic Awareness and Healing Ministries God the father, Son and Holy Spirit have charged and instilled in her. The voice went further to say that, I will flow in the anointing whereby the root cause of underlying problems with human beings will be revealed and through prayer, fasting and deliverance the individual will be set free. He continued by saying that “I want to liberate my people through you, a lot of my people are bound and need to be liberated. I ordain you to liberate my people.” all I can remember from this divine encounter is waking up in between my sleep with different songs of praises until I was finally awake.
This Ministry is expanding in leaps and bounds to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ within and into the nations (Mattew 24:14). Amaka’s passion to help hurting people is foundational to the vision of Mercy of God Mission, the missions arm of Prophetic Awareness & Healing Ministries. Mercy of God Mission provides worldwide humanitarian outreaches, such as women/widows empowerment, feeding programs, medical missions, Community free ‘Hope for the Future” Health & Wellness Fair/Household Product Giveaways, and disaster-relief efforts. Joyce also established. Also have PAAHM Food Pantry (“Basket of Love”) ministry helping the needy in our community. With complete surrender to Christ Women Awakening International (WAI) is an Interdenominational Women ministry started is the women ministry arm of Prophetic Awareness & Healing Ministries (PAAHM) has today stretches it’s influence and outreaches outside PAAHM by working with women across various denominations and Churches as well as serving the women of PAAHM Church dedicated to women in ministries, praying that God will give them wisdom, and knowledge in their ministry, pastor’s wives, and women to women in general. Our gathering is centered on praying for the individual ministries we have, to praying for women who are abused and hurting spiritually and emotionally, to women seeking fruit of the womb and singles needing God fearing husbands. WAI has been launched in five nations and has regularly convene meetings. These outreaches guide, restore and love them, helping them discover their true destiny in Christ.
In her home city of Houston Texas, Amaka and her husband, Ebenezer, where they serves the inner city of Houston, Harris County and surrounding counties through practical programs and outreaches that care for hurting people and families in need through biblical empowerment & discipling.
SOWER Prayer Network
About SOWER (Sacrificing Offering Waiting Expecting Reaping)
SOWER exists to serve three basic parts of the overall vision of Prophetic Awareness & Healing Ministries. First is the equipping, oversight, and support of ministries related to Prophetic Awareness & Healing Ministries. Second is to use the relationship Prophetic Awareness & Healing Ministries as a distinct part of the body of Christ to promote interchange, understanding, and friendship between them. The third is for the mobilizing of spiritual forces for the sake of the gospel as long-term goals of SOWER are included as following:
- Providing support for prophetic/apostolic missionary teams, to include intercessory prayer on their behalf, spiritual covering, financial support, and housing for the families of those called to the field for extended periods,
- The continual teaching and prophetic input into PAAHM members that keeps them in touch with, and in the world-shattering of the great spiritual advances of our times,
- Overseeing of members and their ministries for the sake of helping them fulfill their purpose, and accountability,
- Being a resource center for the missions and ministries associated to aid each in the fulfillment of their mission.
There are opportunities for individuals and churches to come under the spiritual covering and leadership of Dr. Amaka Anene, Reverend Ebenezer Anene as Prophetic & Apostolic Council. This is the official Fellowship of Ministers for Prophetic Awareness & Healing Ministries. Email at info@paahm.org to join.
Women’s Ministry
The Women Awakening International Conferences is operated solely by volunteers. We are an organization of women in ministry that serve the Lord through serving God’s people. Focusing on the truth and beauty of the message of salvation, healing, renewal, and restoration in away that reaches the inner-woman, enriching the spiritual lives of women. This will help them and grow in the fullness of life that God intended for all women. Especially women Pastors, Pastors wives, women Ministers, women in leadership in corporate world and women in general.
Women Awakening Ministry (WAM) offers many ways for women to use their God-given gifts to further the kingdom of God. God uses these outreaches through our local church teams, family camp, retreat center and media ministry. For inquiries contact us at +1 (832) 529-7680, or email at info@paahm.org.
Global & Humanitarian Outreaches
Bringing hope where it is needed most.
Mercy of God mission ( an arm of Prophetic Awareness & Healing Ministries (PAAHM)) is deeply rooted in the belief that saving lives should be a priority of all mankind. For this reason, Mercy of God Mission(MGM) is dedicated to alleviating human suffering regardless of race, color, religion, or cultural background. In response to poverty, famine, social and economic turmoil, natural disasters, and other catastrophes, MGM works to provide assistance to people across the globe by offering humanitarian services such as food, medical mission, water, and as well as women/girl empowerment & education.
Want to have a prayer that prevails adn yield results—and learn both the foundations of having an intimate prayer life as well as the art of declaring your life, home, and business blessed! Need prayer now? Call our prayer line: (832) 529-6780

Healing the Body
He healed the sick, opened the eyes of the blind, caused the lame to walk, and the dead to rise. He was the man of miracles who “went about doing good.” (Acts 10:38.). We are grateful to God that many received healing of their pysical body through this ministry of prayer. healing is a lifelong process which occurs by the sovereign grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Teaching the Message of Grace & Hope
PAAHM spreads the gospel of goodnews to the nations through intercessory, prophetic and apostolic ministry. Methods for achieving these goals include establishing apostolic/prophetic leadership conferences, aligning prayer networks in the United States, & around the world, for the purpose of liberating the soul to receive the mercy and grace.