History of Prophectic Awareness & Healing Ministries (PAAHM)

"Proclaiming Healing. Recovering Destinies(Isaiah 58:6-7)"

Early International Growth & Expansion

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Prayer Network

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Women’s Ministry

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Global & Humanitarian Outreaches

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Engaging in Prayer

Want to have a prayer that prevails adn yield results—and learn both the foundations of having an intimate prayer life as well as the art of declaring your life, home, and business blessed! Need prayer now? Call our prayer line: (832) 529-6780


Healing the Body

He healed the sick, opened the eyes of the blind, caused the lame to walk, and the dead to rise. He was the man of miracles who “went about doing good.” (Acts 10:38.).  We are grateful to God that many received healing of their pysical body through this ministry of prayer. healing is a lifelong process which occurs by the sovereign grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Teaching the Message of Grace & Hope

PAAHM spreads the gospel of goodnews to the nations  through intercessory, prophetic and apostolic ministry. Methods for achieving these goals include establishing apostolic/prophetic leadership conferences, aligning prayer networks in the United States, & around the world, for the purpose of liberating the soul to receive the mercy and grace.